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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


SchoolZone/Google Apps


SchoolZone is a secure web portal that is designed to provide parents and students with school and student information. You will find School Newsletters, progress reports, attendance records, notices about overdue library books, achievement results and links to great online resources. SchoolZone is available any time and on any computer connected to the internet, from home or work. Some schools may even post information about parent council meetings, volunteer opportunities and school assemblies - making it easier for you to find out about school happenings without sending home lots of paper. SchoolZone is an important tool for our school and we encourage you to support us in our effort to improve communication between school and home by signing onto SchoolZone regularly to check for updates.

Google Apps

Cloud = applications that are on the internet, and not on your computer. With more student-owned devices coming into schools every year, and with the shift from wired to wireless access, it is essential that students are provided with a consistent set of learning resources anytime, anywhere. By providing our students with Google Apps through SchoolZone, new teaching and learning strategies will be adopted and developed to support student learning anytime, anywhere with single-sign-on access.

Students at this school now have access to Google Apps for Education through SchoolZone. Google Apps allows students to communicate and collaborate using Google powered email and calendars, and make documents, presentations and websites easily. Accounts are created and administered through District Technology and using Google Apps Education Edition. See more information including an overview of Google Apps in EPS, info on how to use Google Apps, and information about the portal and privacy.

What implications does this have for students? Students will now have access to their files, school email, grades, calendars, and collaborative tools to create documents, presentations, and sites whenever they have access to the internet - at any time, from most types of devices. Teachers will continue to post assignments and class information to SchoolZone, but now these include online, collaborative documents. Not sure what that means? Check out this presentation...


Google Docs
Don't Hand in Your Homework... Share it instead!  When you create a document using your Share (Google) Docs account, "Share" it with your teacher. That way, you never have to worry about forgetting to hand something in.  "Sharing" gives them live access to your document to provide feedback and to grade your work.
Google Mail
Tired of deleting messages to stay under quota? Good thing you now have 7GB worth of free email storage. What's your email address? (Example - a.student@share.epsb.ca)

Google Calendar
Having trouble keeping track of when your homework assignments, projects and exams are? Your calendar can remind you.
Google Sites
No experience? No problem. Embrace your inner webmaster and build your dream site with Google Sites. You can share it with a few friends, the whole district, or the world!